Happy Hours Forecaste

Personal Portal

The "Personal Portal" is your place to customize the markers based on your location or based on your horse's specific needs

Happy Horse Forecast TM (H.H.F.) is the only mobile app. to check the weather forecast for your horse's covering needs at a glance.

It is essentially a horse blanket/covering forecast. It shows you the weather forecast with a color coded blanketed horse icon at each hour for the specific location where your horse is living
With H.H.F. You will be notified of changes in the weather that may effect which covering you choose to use . You can also simply open the app and use it to plan ahead. Access the 5 day forecast to aid your plan for washing up, repairing or changing out your horse's coverings/blankets or change the location of your horse if you trailer out to camp or maybe to a show.
It is the only existing app. that does this for you!
During this exclusive Beta Phase Release, we are offering you a fantastic rate of just $19.99 per year for the entire duration of your subscription with us. That's right! As a token of our gratitude for your early support, your subscription cost will remain fixed at $19.99/yr. even if we adjust the price for new users after the Beta Phase concludes. This means that Updates and "Coming Soon" features will be included at the same price as we journey together towards the H.H.F. launch to the world!


◆ 5 Day Forecast
◆ Click on individual days for each day's hourly forecast to plan ahead
◆ Blanketed Horse Icons - color coded according to blanket warmth/fill (Pat. Pend.)
◆ Blanketed Horse Icons - populated in each day (Pat. Pend.)
◆ Lightning symbol shows up when forecast predicts lightning
◆ "Feels Like" temp. per humidity/wind chill factor included with "Temp." in the hourly forecast.
◆ Blanket colors change per "Feels Like" temp. (Pat. Pend.)
◆ Forecast based on the specific location of your horse - not based on the nearest city or the zip-code.
◆ Click on the individual blanketed icons to see what blanket data is for that color (Pat. Pend.)
◆ Fly/Mosquito coverings alert is coded per life-cycle of fly/Mos
◆ Blanket color corresponds to Manufacturers' & Veterinarians' guidelines.
◆ Monthly tips from the Equestrian Community (could see your own tip here!)
◆ Change the location of the user's horse: useful for camping, shows or travel.
◆ User can toggle between Celsius/Fahrenheit

Happy Horse  Forecast  software development services the Happy Horse Forecast mobile app, the Happy Horse Forecast Barn Portal, the Happy Horse Forecast Personal Portal, the Happy Horse Forecast College Portal & any future Happy Horse Forecast mobile app  portals.